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Mictrack MT500 GPRS Communication Protocol

2. The Protocol in GPRS Mode

2.1 GPRS Data Format:


#<Base ID><Message ID>,<UTC Position>,<Status>,<Latitude>,<N/S Indicator>,

<Longitude>,<E/W Indicator>,<Speed Over Ground>,<Course Over>,<Date>,<Magnetic


For example:




2.2 The parameter description

Parameter Example Description

IMEI 863835023427631 IMEI (15 digits)

A MT500 GPRS user name

B 0000 GPRS user password

C AUTO GPRS Status (more detail please

check 2.3).

D 1 GPRS Upload data quantity

<CR><LF> End of message termination

Base ID 262c0f48(2G SIM Card)

a52d15e5803(3G SIM Card)

LAC+CI (Hex)

Message ID $GPRMC RMC Protocol header

UTC Position 094632.00

Status A A=valid,V=invalid, B=LBS

Latitude 2237.7776 ddmm.mmmm

N/S Indicator N N=north or S=south

Longitude 11402.1399 Dddmm.mmmm

E/W Indicator E E=east or W=west

Speed Over Ground 0.07

Course Over 0

Date 030116 DDMMYY

Checksum A*49

<CR><LF> End of message termination

2.3 Status in GPRS Mode:

Status Description

AUTOSTART GPRS upload status when ACC switch to ON

AUTOSTOP GPRS upload status when ACC switch to OFF



AUTOLOW ACC OFF and vehicle stop

TOWED ACC OFF and vehicle Move


SOS SOS alarm

DEF Cut Power alarm

HT High Temperature alert

BLP Backup battery low voltage

CLP Car Battery low voltage

OS Out of the Geo-fence alarm

RS Enter the Geo-fence alarm

OPEN GPS Antenna open circuit

SHORT GPS Antenna short circuit

OVERSPEED Overs-peed alarm

SAFESPEED Safe-speed alarm

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Mictrack MT500 GPRS Communication Protocol

2. The Protocol in GPRS Mode

2.1 GPRS Data Format:


#<Base ID><Message ID>,<UTC Position>,<Status>,<Latitude>,<N/S Indicator>,

<Longitude>,<E/W Indicator>,<Speed Over Ground>,<Course Over>,<Date>,<Magnetic


For example:




2.2 The parameter description

Parameter Example Description

IMEI 863835023427631 IMEI (15 digits)

A MT500 GPRS user name

B 0000 GPRS user password

C AUTO GPRS Status (more detail please

check 2.3).

D 1 GPRS Upload data quantity

<CR><LF> End of message termination

Base ID 262c0f48(2G SIM Card)

a52d15e5803(3G SIM Card)

LAC+CI (Hex)

Message ID $GPRMC RMC Protocol header

UTC Position 094632.00

Status A A=valid,V=invalid, B=LBS

Latitude 2237.7776 ddmm.mmmm

N/S Indicator N N=north or S=south

Longitude 11402.1399 Dddmm.mmmm

E/W Indicator E E=east or W=west

Speed Over Ground 0.07

Course Over 0

Date 030116 DDMMYY

Checksum A*49

<CR><LF> End of message termination

2.3 Status in GPRS Mode:

Status Description

AUTOSTART GPRS upload status when ACC switch to ON

AUTOSTOP GPRS upload status when ACC switch to OFF



AUTOLOW ACC OFF and vehicle stop

TOWED ACC OFF and vehicle Move


SOS SOS alarm

DEF Cut Power alarm

HT High Temperature alert

BLP Backup battery low voltage

CLP Car Battery low voltage

OS Out of the Geo-fence alarm

RS Enter the Geo-fence alarm

OPEN GPS Antenna open circuit

SHORT GPS Antenna short circuit

OVERSPEED Overs-peed alarm

SAFESPEED Safe-speed alarm

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